Video: Interview – Part 3 Cross-Platform Issues

Heather Eichman interviews Kevin Kline, the former President of PASS and systems specialist for the SQL Server Business Unit at Quest Software. Posted January 31, 2008. … [Read more...]

Join O’Reilly on Facebook

O'Reilly Media on Facebook is a place for for anyone who is a fan of O'Reilly, whether you've been following their books, conferences, webcasts, and more since the very beginning or you recently jumped onto the bandwagon. I really enjoy the newsletters and blogs from O'Reilly's various channels, especially Tim O'Reilly's commentary. And, of course, there's my book - SQL in a Nutshell - published by O'Reilly for your consideration.  This book provides a complete reference of the latest release of the ANSI SQL standard, as well as full coverage of support for the ANSI standard from the … [Read more...]

Presentation: SQL Server for Oracle DBAs

Back in late May, my pal Buck Woody (blog | twitter) and I presented SQL Server for the Oracle DBA.  Buck played Jerry Lewis' role, while I played the straight man a la Dean Martin.  You can see the recording and slide deck here.  Since both Buck and I spent a considerable number of years working on Oracle, we felt like we had pretty good legs to stand on doing this presentation.  Here's the abstract: In enterprise IT, database professionals face a mixed-bag of platforms within their environments -- and the overlapping duties that go along with them. Whether you like it or not, you get … [Read more...]

Two Free Training Webcasts Open for Registration

We've got two sessions that you (the "we" meaning the fine folks at Quest Software) need to sign up for right away.  The upcoming webcast for Oracle-oriented folks has huge registration numbers.  And I'm sure you'll learn more than you expected thanks to my fine co-presenters.  Get in while you still can before we hit the limit of what LiveMeeting can handle! Pain of the Week: SQL Server for the Oracle DBA Webcast: SQL Server for the Oracle DBA Date: Thursday, May 27, 2010 (Just a couple days hence!) Time: 8 a.m. Pacific / 11 a.m. Eastern / 4 p.m. United Kingdom / 5 p.m. Central … [Read more...]