Title: Time Management for the IT Professional
Level: 100
Abstract: Does anyone have enough time anymore?!? The delicate balance between work and our private lives are increasingly blurred by mobile phones, omnipresent high-speed internet, social networking tools, and always-on information systems.
But take heart. There are ways to cope. In this session, Kevin will show you:
- Goal 1: Learn the main tenets of several popular time management techniques, such as those of David Allen (Getting Things Done), Merlin Mann (Inbox Zero), and Stephen Covey (Seven Habits of Highly Successful People).
- Goal 2: Evaluate a variety of time management techniques against your personal style to implement those methods that will be most successful for you.
- Goal 3: Automate a variety time management techniques using Microsoft Office to help improve your personal efficiency and effectiveness.
Our society seems to add a greater variety of distractions and choice for ways to spend our time with each passing day. So whether you want to learn techniques that will help make your time at work more effective so that you can spend more time outside of work or want to make your already busy week even more effective, attend this session to learn a variety of methods for “upping your game”.
Prerequisites: Intermediate experience with Microsoft Outlook.
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