Title: Troubleshooting and Performance Tuning Microsoft SQL Server with Dynamic Management Views (DMVs)
Level: 200
Abstract: This full day seminar will teach you introductory, intermediate, and advanced techniques for troubleshooting (including detecting, diagnosing, and resolving problems) and performance tuning (discovering sub-optimal performance and making SQL Server faster) using SQL Server’s built-in Dynamic Management Views (DMVs).
Prerequisites: Basic Understanding of the SQL Server relational engine and Transact-SQL
Goal 1: At the beginner’s level, you’ll learn the 80/20 rule of troubleshooting and performance tuning using DMVs – the most common problems that occur and, with minimal effort, how to fix them.
Goal 2: Intermediate problems solving and performance tuning requires more skill and information, especially the correlation of multiple data points.�� This segment of the seminar will teach you important DMVs and how and when to combine them together for even more powerful performance information.
Goal 3: The advanced segment of the seminar focuses on using DMVs in combination with wait stat information to deliver the most informative and comprehensive metrics about SQL Server behavior for root-cause analysis and performance tuning.
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