Title: Technical Leadership for Database Professionals
Level: 200
Abstract: Most IT leaders earned their promotion on the basis of their technical competency, not their leadership skills. Technical leaders rarely step into leadership in possession of the complex mix of skills that engenders their success and the success of their teams. Successful IT leaders require a combination of:
– Scientific and/or technological expertise to command respect;
– �� Behavioral knowledge to understand technology professionals; and
– Several specific skills to lead database professionals competently that broadly fall into the categories of:
- coaching
- facilitating change
- promoting communication
- leading teams
This one day seminar will not fully train technology professionals in every aspect of every leadership category. However, it will equip attendees with the training and reference material to further develop their leadership potential and achieve excellent results, both for themselves and for their teams.
Prerequisites: Strong verbal and written communication skills in the English language
Goal 1: The first goal in developing strong leadership skills is to develop an understanding of internal motivations (that is, strong self-awareness) and what motivates the IT professionals on your team.
Goal 2: The second goal in developing strong leadership is to develop visualization, planning, and execution skills to enable you and your team to meet the goals set by management.
Goal 3: The third goal in developing strong leadership is to develop the specific skills needed to lead their teams, including resolving impasses and performance problems, motivational skills, and gaining the support of management.
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