Interview Now Appearing on

I was honored to be recently interviewed by the crew at Consortio Services.  You can find my portion of this particular webcast at beginning at 17:24.  In the interview, I discuss a number of thoughts and opinions about the future of cloud computing, where our profession is headed, and more. When I first became aware of the website, they were audio podcasts only.  Since then, they’ve changed up their format a bit, and now have a video portion along with the audio. They now included a visual “slide” with your headshot and title (not a … [Read more...]

Sequels for SQL: Dec 17, 2009

In the Sequels for SQL series, I point you to sites where you can go beyond the nose-to-the-grindstone resources that we see every day as SQL Server professionals.  (My favorite resource for pan-SQL Server pointers is Steve Jone's Database Weekly email newsletter.)  These are the story that comes after and outside (the sequels) of our daily working lives (the other SQL).  Let's broaden our horizons together.  If you hit on an interesting but overlooked topic, I'd like to hear from you. SQL Server: We live it.  We love it. When Jimmy May talks, I listen.  Not just because he's a personal … [Read more...]

The Sequels for SQL Server: The Week of November 27, 2009

Just as an FYI, I've added one new slide deck and webcast to, as well as quite a few upcoming user group events where I'm speaking in http://KevinEKline/Upcoming-Events/. I'm starting a new series called Sequels for SQL Server.  In this series, I point you to sites where you can go beyond the nose-to-the-grindstone resources that we see every day as SQL Server professionals.  These are the story that comes after and outside (the sequels) of our daily working lives (the other SQL).  Let's broaden our horizons together.  If you hit on an interesting but … [Read more...]

Anniversary at Database Trends & Applications Magazine

I was happy to hear that the magazine Database Trends and Applications had recently relaunched their website.  While I'd been a columnist there for a quite a while, I'd never been able to easily find my own articles nor check to see if they'd generated any interest.  DBTA has changed all of that with their relaunch.  I was also surprised, upon closer examination, that I'd been writing there for more than a year.  Check to see if any of these articles are of interest to you.  I'd love to hear your thoughts. Security as an Afterthought Issue: November 2009 The Big Keep Getting Bigger … [Read more...]

Clash of the Clouds

The Economist, my favorite news and analysis magazine, published an outstanding briefing and analysis on the coming wars of ascendancy between the major vendors of cloud computing technology and services.  When a technological shift bubbles up into the mainstream news media, the technology has gone through a significant, society-altering right of passage.  As technologists, we all know that the "outside world" doesn't really get what we do.  It doesn't click for grandma that you're doing difficult and important work because it's hard to wrap your head around low-level technological work.  And, … [Read more...]