‘Tis the season for singing

Dylan and Emily are both very good singers. (They get that from their mom. I have a decent voice, but nothing compared to hers.) They’re also both in their school choirs. Dylan is not only in the choir, but is also in the top men’s vocal group at the high school – MOVE (Men Of Vocal Excellence). Emily’s middle school also has an advanced vocal group and she’s a member of it. It’s called the competition choir.

You can just make out Dylan to the left of the leftmost microphone stand on the back row of the first picture. (Sorry about the picture quality…) This picture was taken at the High School’s second concert of the season. The first picture was taken at the high school auditorium for their big Christmas Cantata. The second picture, at right, was taken when MOVE and LOVE (the Ladies Of Vocal Excellence) performed at Tenessee Tech University in Cookville, TN.

Emily’s choir performed at a local church with an almost entirely religious program. The middle school choir director had laryngitis that night and eventually lost his voice completely that night. Also, the various choirs (6th grade, 7th grade, etc) were very disorganized, chatty, giggly, and everything you’d expect pre-teens to be. (Kids…) Emily’s competition choir, however, sounded great!

Emily has several close friends in the competition choir that she really enjoys hanging out with. Here she is with Taylor, Courtney, and Bailey. Taylor is in a white blouse because she’s in a different choir, while the girls in dresses are in the competition choir. Don’t they look grown up for 8th graders? Yegods!

And here’s one last picture of Emily in her pretty dress. Doesn’t she look great!




  1. blech! I hate that dress! It shows every teensy tiny prollem (and yes, I meant to say prollem!)

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