‘Membrance Monday #2

We had a low key Halloween within the Zebra household. The two oldest kids went out to trick-or-treat with their friends while mom & the two youngest went out to trick-or-treat in our old neighborhood. The new neighborhood is great, but the houses are space very wide apart and their aren’t nearly as many young kids around. That means the little ones would visit much fewer houses and fewer houses would have goodies to give out.

At the end of the evening, I only had five, FIVE, trick-or-treaters. I was pretty shocked.

Well, today is the day for rememberances of things joyful and fun. Here are a few:

– family photos of truly happy people

– monkey grooming

– making my yard & landscaping better than it was before

– a cute Play-Dough figurine made by a child

What are you thankful for today?



  1. I am thankful for Sudafed, Robitussin, and Nyquil. I’m thankful that my friends are far enough away not to catch this crud. And I’m really, eternally thankful for Starbucks.

    Oh – you wanted remembrances. Look at my comment to Biscuit’s latest post and then you’ll know why I’m thankful for my Mom.

  2. I’m thankful for old friends who know me so well I don’t even have to say the words…

  3. Sue – have you ever been really sick and had no medicine? That happened to me once when I was traveling. So I agree completely. Good drugs are a thing of wonder and joy!

    Sam – do you mean friends that are old or friends you’ve had for a long time, you whipper-snapper?!?

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