I wasn’t going to show this, but…

… my trips to the gym have really been paying off! This was just a couple weeks ago in the summer.

We’d gone with almost the entire BASICS Sunday School class to Panama City Beach. My gosh, that was so much fun. I’d never vacationed with friends before. It is so nice to have other kids for yours to play with. It was also great to spend time with our extended church family. We had lots of fun on the beach, in the pool, playing cards up in the condos, and at our big group meals.

Now, I want to especially point out that beach vacations are not the ideal for me. I burn so frequently and so often that beach vacations almost always mean a great deal of skin pain and, yes, that’s with SPF 50. But the kids don’t have any issues with sunburning, due to inheriting Kelly’s ability to tan almost instantly and, on those rare times when they do burn, it quickly turns to tan and never burns again. I have the magical ability to burn, suffer, peel, and burn again and all within 3 or 4 days. I’m certain that comes from my German ancestry and NOT my Italian ancestry. Bleck!

There’s something really special about people who care deeply about you. I’m really proud to be a part of this group of people. It’s also really cool hanging out with people who you feel comfortable leaving your kids with. It takes a lot of trust to do that. So it’s a compliment to me when folks would leave their kids with me and an indication of my trust when I’d leave my kids with someone else.

So my trips to the gym have been paying off. Now I have to get my cholesterol and triglicerides in order!




  1. Holy…speechless…HA CHA CHA!

    Let’s hear it for peer pressure!

  2. Wooo hooo – we got him.

    Oh dear. We got him.

    I know how truly nasty this man can be… what did we get ourselves into??

  3. Shexay!!!!! You always were de-lish, darlin’! glad you are with us> 🙂

    Love you!

  4. Woohoo Kev flesh! Welcome to our wicked web!!!!

  5. Now I want to get my body to look like that without me having to suck in my gut! :^)

    My word is oibyq – a Yiddish way to say “orbit”.

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