School is cranking back up at Casa De Kline and we’re busy from dawn until dusk and then until 10 pm almost every night. We went to the first football game of the season. MJHS is rated at fourth in the state, after our rampage all the way to the state finals last year. The first game was a big win for MJHS. Katie and Ava couldn’t keep from taking to the field after the game. They ran their little tails off for about 15 minutes as the bleachers were emptying out. They’re kind’a hard to see, but they’re directly in front of the goal posts below.
Kaylee is marching in the band, playing trombone. Savannah is hard at work on the color guard. And when I say “hard at work”, I mean spending every available second on it.
Anna is enamored with mustaches these days. Although I must say she looks quite dashing with her Italio-American follicles in full display.
We also took in a trip to Radnor Lake, a beautiful nature preserve in our area.
Beaver strike! We could find any of their dams, but they were definitely hard at work chewing down trees.
The elusive katie-did was prowling the forest as well.
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