I've opined in the past about how strongly I think the health care industry in the USA needs a does of information technology. One profession making impressive strides in this area is America's nurses. On the one hand, we have NDNQI, the National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI®). NDNQI is a repository for nursing-sensitive indicators collected at the nursing unit level. Since it began in the late 1990's, the program has added many hospitals as well as additional data points (that is, the quality indicators). Lots of useful resources and good reading can be found … [Read more...]
Health Data Rights
There was a time when health information was merely a collection of facts about you. You visited a doctor on the 17th because of a sore throat. You had your appendix removed when you were a grade-schooler. Now, in the 21st century, information is increasingly used to drive business value. In a sense, information is becoming an asset. And as many of us have seen with the antics on Wall Street, any asset can be abused for personal and possibly unethical gain. Legislative bodies around the globe have expended a lot of energy on regulating the use and access of health data, such as the … [Read more...]
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