Originally appearing at ForITPros.com.
Andrew Carnegie, once the wealthiest man on earth, came from humble beginnings. As a young boy, he worked a number of odd jobs. His hard work, industrious nature, and persistence eventually led him to become the largest steel manufacturer in the United States.
Once, during an interview, Carnegie was asked how he had hired 43 millionaires. At that time, being a millionaire was very uncommon. It would be similar to a person having $25 to $30 million in today’s dollars. Carnegie was quick to correct the reporter. He had hired 43 people who had become millionaires while working for him.
The reporter then asked how Carnegie had made them millionaires. He replied that developing people is like digging for gold. You sometimes have to remove a lot of unwanted dirt before you can find the first nugget of gold. But you don’t go looking for the dirt, you look for the gold.
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