Hi friends,
I know a lot of you regularly read my blog either on my home page at KevinEKline.com, on SQLBlog.com, or one of the locations where it’s syndicated. And you may also regularly take in my content on SQLSentry.TV or my monthly column on Database Trends & Applications magazine.
KevinEKline.com on SSWUG.org
Click the image to see my new weekly video series on SSWUG.org!
Now I’m adding a new video format to the mix, in partnership with my friend Steven Wynkoop and SSWUG.org. I’ve been a frequent speaker in the SSWUG virtual conferences over the past several years and, we thought, why not make this a more frequent occurrence than twice per year?
For the next several episodes, I’ll be discussing new features that will be released in SQL Server 2014. However, I’d love to make it interactive. So if you have any topics that are keenly interesting to you which are part of my regular repertoire (SQL Server, SQL, other database platforms like Oracle, database design, enterprise architecture, cloud computing, professional development, and leading IT teams), then please drop me a note. I’d love to hear from you.
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