‘Tis another day to remember the things that I’m thankful for. The list could be huge, of course, because I’m such a blessed and luck guy. However, I’ll just list a few things that I experienced this week. Here are some things I experienced this week that brought a big smile to my face and at least a momentary rush of joy:
– Grocery shopping with TWO full carts ‘cuz our family is so big. Oh yeah, and the bill was $453!
– Seeing a little old lady and little old man walking and happily holding hands
– A hug from someone I love
– Pulling some cute kiddie clothes out of the laundry that don’t fit anymore
Don’t forget to be thankful. Thanksgiving is only a week away!
I haven’t done a mammoth shopping run in 4EVER, which is why Don ends up having to run to the store every freakin’ day for “what do we need to get by for the next few hours…” It’s time to stock the pantry… better shop now, than wait until I’m loaded up with Percocet this weekend… but maybe that could be an interesting psych experience – what brands look better on narcotics?!?
Those cute kiddie clothes never *really* fit you anyway, and, quite frankly, you just looked plain silly in them. 🙂
Sam, Just don’t do the trip on -herbs- as opposed to narcotics. Everything’ll look good. Of course, you’ll probably eat most of it before you get to the register.
Kell, but I look great in your swimsuit, right???