ICYMI – Avoiding Performance Tuning, Wait Statistics, Incremental Statistics

A digest of great articles originally appearing at SQLPerformance.com.

Avoiding Knee-Jerk Performance Tuning
Paul Randal of SQLskills.com starts a new series on knee-jerk troubleshooting, discussing many areas where SQL Server folks jump to conclusions when trying to fix a performance issue.

Knee-Jerk Wait Statistics: SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD
Paul Randal continues his series on knee-jerk performance troubleshooting. In this post, he talks about SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD, and how to determine whether it is a wait to worry about in your scenario.

SQL Server 2014 Incremental Statistics
Benjamin Nevarez ( b | t ) takes a close look at the new incremental statistics feature in SQL Server 2014.

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