I Did It!

Yes, I can finally park the minivan in the garage. And there’s still room to maneuver. Heck, I could probably fit another car, albiet a Mini Cooper, in there to boot. It may not seem like much. But it was a chore that took me the better part of the weekend to complete. The good news is that now I can park the car in the garage. And the even better news is that we can get off to school in the morning without having to scrape ice off of the windows or sit in a chilly car. Yippee!



  1. Congrats Kevin. I had the same problem when we bought our van. I had to remove a custom-built workbench and shelving from the back of the garage because the van was so long!

  2. Wow! I didn’t have to do anything that extreme. I did have to stack a lot of stuff way up high, but no major remodelling efforts were needed. :^)

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