I even managed to talk Katie into doing the cake walk. She’s normally very shy about that sort of thing. (Of course, I didn’t have to talk Anna into it. She was ready to go.) In the end, Katie really enjoyed the cake walk and got away with a box of cup cakes.

Another fun thing which was more for dad than for the kids was our Sunday School Halloween costume party. I totally zero’d out and put together a really lame costume. Basically, I had a nice pair of silk pajamas (a gift from Dr Pineapple and Samantha), add to that a nice velvet bath robe and, voila!, I’m Hugh Hefner. So rather than show you my lame-o costume, I chose to show you the winner of the “best costume” award – Mike Lyttle as the somewhat obscure Duff beer man, a repeat character from the Simpsons.

There were some other outstanding costumes, like Brett Karsten’s Braveheart, Keith Harned’s Blue Man Group, and Bobby and Rhonda Robinson’s Rastafarians. Great job y’all!
Show us the lame costume. Now. I mean it.
LOL! I didn’t take any pictures of myself. Nyah Nyah Nyah!