Canberra, The Capital of Australia

I had the pleasure of flying in to the rather quiet and small of capital, Canberra, on a sunny and warm spring day. (Don’t forget that the seasons are reversed south of the equator. That means spring is in October and fall starts in April.) Upon arriving, I got to see a one person protest that Australia hadn’t yet signed the Kyoto Accord for global warming as well as the buildings of state.

The following morning (today), I spoke to a a crowd of about 50 about SQL Server performance tuning, benchmarking, and best practices. I really enjoyed the folks there and met many interesting people. My Quest colleagues tell me that a crowd of 50 is extremely good for Canberra, since everyone is usually hard at work and won’t take time off for seminars or workshops.

While I’ve taken many photos of the city myself, I noticed another photographer who did the city justice in his photos. Since I was a business traveler and not as much of a tourist, my photos were rather hurried. Take a look at the slide show to get an idea of what the city is like.

Canberra, Australia – The Scenic Capital of Australia



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