Aunt Mary

I got the terrible news that my Aunt Mary Dalton passed away early this morning. Aunt Mary hadn’t been very healthy for nearly as long as I could remember. She suffered from diabetes, severe arthritis, and a bad heart condition. Nevertheless, this was a very unexpected and sad shock.

Aunt Mary was my dad’s youngest sister. She was a vibrant and loving woman. My dad often said that she was the most normal of his generation because she’d married Uncle Scotty so young (he was 17 and she was 14) and got out of their mother’s house young enough not to be incurably scarred by her emotional problems.
I got to spend several visits with her and Uncle Scotty over the years, mostly because campany headquarters wasn’t too far away, so I’d sneak in a visit while I was in Orange County. I even got to bring Dylan and Emily out to meet them, something I’m proud of. And I always enjoyed hearing her stories about my dad, Aunt Carole, and their family life back in the day. They weren’t always happy or fun stories, but it was very enriching to hear how their formative years were spent in the tough times of the war years.
She and Uncle Scotty moved to Abilene a couple years ago to be close to their daughter Dawn. I fear that I’ll never have a chance to pop in these days, since business never takes me out to that part of Texas. Still, I’m crazy about my Uncle Scotty and hope to be able to visit with him again soon.
I love you and miss you, Aunt Mary!

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