Archives for September 2008

If I Were President, Episode #4 – Alternative Energy

I have issues with our current alternative energy plans. It mostly focuses on a lot of corn ethanol and a little wind power here and there. For example, they subsizes inefficient ethanol technology. Corn ethanol consumes more energy to produce than it creates. It pollutes because it requires significant fertilizer and pesticide. And it help our dependence on foreign oil because it's completely targeted at consumer gasoline, which would require 100 times more ethanol to achieve any degree of independence. First proposal - Sugar cane based ethanol, perfected in Brazil, is much more … [Read more...]

More on the global water crisis

If you think the oil crisis is bad, wait til you see the impending global water crisis. Civilizations have collapsed simply due to problems with adequate water supplies (e.g. the Numidians of Petra, the Anisazi of the American southwest, the medieval kingdom of Timbuktu, et al).Check out for a nice discussion from a true expert on the subject. … [Read more...]