Professional Development – The Stradivarius of Teams

Originally appearing at

A world-class violinist was on campus for an artist-in-residence program. While at lunch he was discussing what he perceived to be the similarities between management and great music. Said the violinist, “I have glorious music, a splendid instrument, and an exquisite bow. All I need to do is bring them all together and get out of the way.”

I recently read this short story found in The Sower’s Seeds by Brian Cavanaugh. Of course there is a bit more to it than the modest violinist claims. But there’s also a lot a lot of truth in it.

As a leader, look for opportunities to grow each member of your team. Look for ways to increase their abilities and their responsibilities. Be mindful to not meddle needlessly, nor neglect absently.

Invest in your team and I think their performance may surprise you.

Read the rest of this article at HERE.


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